Club Membership
For renewal of your existing club membership, select the button below
Thank you for your interest in the Whitsunday Sailing Club.
Membership of the Whitsunday Sailing Club brings many benefits, including discounts on drinks and food for all members and the use of many other optional facilities for full members.
The first step is to come down to visit and have a look at our great facility. Guests are more than welcome to enjoy the club bar and bistro (be sure to sign in though), however to get maximum benefits offered to members, we recommend joining the club at the earliest opportunity.
If you would like to join our club, please complete a Membership Application form. Membership Application forms can be downloaded from the link at the bottom of this page, or you can contact the club and ask for a Membership Application form to be emailed to you. Membership at Whitsunday Sailing Club is subject to Committee approval.
Membership is based on a financial year with membership fees due in July. Current fees are summarised below:
Whitsunday Sailing Club – Membership Categories (current 2024 – 2025)
Membership Type | Description | Registered with Australian Sailing under Rule 46* | Club Discounts | May apply for boat storage | Membership Fee** |
Associate Member | Racing or non-racing (single) – Nonvoting member who is active sailing member of the club and wishes to utilise all the club’s facilities | Yes | Yes | Yes | $355.00 |
Associate Family membership |
Racing or non-racing – 1st Adult 50% discount for second adult 50% discount each child, capped at $550 |
Yes | Yes | Yes | $355.00 |
Junior Member | Member under the age of 18 years on 1 June and wishing to participate in sailing activities | Yes | Yes | Yes | $90.00 |
Intermediate Member | Associate Member aged 18 – 25 | Yes | Yes | Yes | $260.00 |
Absentee Member | Associate Member residing outside the shire of Whitsundays | Yes | Yes | Yes | $260.00 |
Senior Member | Associate Member aged 65+ or eligible pension | Yes | Yes | Yes | $260.00 |
Honorary Life Member | Life Membership that has been awarded for services to the club both on and off the water | As required | Yes | Yes | $0.00 |
Full Adult (voting) member | member allowed to vote at official meetings who is active sailing member of the club and wishes to utilise all the club’s facilities. An associate member may apply to become a full member as per 12.1, 12.2 of the club constitution | Yes | Yes | Yes | $355.00 |
Sail Pass | Day member of the club wishing to partake in sailing activities offered by the club | Yes | No | No | $15.00 |
Social Member | Those who wish to enjoy the social activities of the Clubhouse with discounted access to the Club’s hospitality resources. | No | No | No | $30.00 |
* Australian Sailing (AS) Rule 46 – Mandatory requirement for all sailors partaking in organised WSC “on the water” events. (exemption – member of another AS associated sailing club). This provides AS membership and personal accident insurance while taking part in club organised yachting events anywhere in Australia.
**Fees renewable 1 July each year. 50% discount applied after 1 January each year.
To apply for membership to Whitsunday Sailing Club, please select the button below:
Alternatively, a copy of the new member application form can be downloaded for printing below:
The membership status of new members remains as TEMPORARY until ratified at the next membership meeting.
Existing associate members who meet the necessary criteria (as detailed in the WSC Constitution) may apply to upgrade their membership to full (Voting) membership.
If you believe that you meet the criteria, complete the Membership upgrade form:
Membership Upgrade to Voting Form
SailPASS membership allows non members to join for the day(s) to sail at Whitsunday Sailing Club. SailPASS membership provides full access to the club as well as personal accident insurance while on the water. For further information on how SailPASS works, CLICK HERE. To register for SailPASS at Whitsunday Sailing Club click the button below or scan the QR Code below from your phone or tablet, and then follow the link.

There are a range of SailPASS offers – select the one that best suits your needs.
Visitors are always welcome at the club – please sign in at reception.
A copy of the Whitsunday Sailing Club’s constitution and by-laws, governing the rights, obligations and conduct of all members, are available for download below. Copies are also available from the club office
Codes of Behaviour
Codes of behaviour are enforced at Whitsunday Sailing Club (click to view):
- Code of Behaviour – Members
- Code of Behaviour – Participants
- Code of Behaviour – Instructors and coaches
- Code of Behaviour – Volunteers and officials
- Code of Behaviour – Parents & Spectators
Membership Benefits:
- Bar discounts
- Dining discounts
- Entry into weekly membership draws
- Members’ Internet access
In addition, membership categories other than Social Membership benefits include:
- Access to Showers
- Boat storage (optional – additional charge)
- Sailing events (optional – additional charge)
- Boat ramp (optional – additional charge)
Refer to the constitution for full details. Categories of membership include:
- Full Members
- Associate Members
- Junior Members
- Social Members
- Temporary Members (including SailPASS members)
Discounts for Families
If you have two or more sailors in your family then you may wish to take up a Family membership. Family membership entitles all members of your family to use of the club’s facilities (such as the boat ramp and rigging lawn).
Note that the Family Membership package does not include racing membership. However, racing membership can be added to selected family members who regularly participate in club racing and require an Australian Sailor Number. This keeps the cost of membership to a minimum as you pay the extra racing membership only for nominated family members.
More Information
For more information about membership phone the Whitsunday Sailing Club on 07 4946 6138.