The Whitsunday Sailing Club, situated on the point at Airlie Beach, provides a range of sailing options for both members and visitors to the area. The club conducts a wide variety of both offshore yachting and off beach dinghy events to satisfy the needs of the most ardent yachtsperson.
Our most popular event is the weekly twilight race, conducted on 50 weeks of the year (exceptions are between Christmas and New Year, and during Airlie Beach Race Week in August). A strong fleet of yachts, including offshore multihulls, keelboats and trailable yachts participate in a 90 minute race around a laid course on the waters of Pioneer Bay. Visitors are welcome to participate as crew on a number of boats.
Each crew member must be a member of the club, however, temporary SailPass membership is available on a daily basis for $25.00 per person (go into the draw for a $25 drink voucher)– come to the club at 2:30 to check if we have space available.
Members may hire Whitsunday Club Boats once approved by the Sailing Manager.
Login with the link to Right and Select Booking to see what is available.