Please note that the Food & Beverage operations at Whitsunday Sailing Club are temporarily closed. All other operations continue as normal. Apologies for any inconvenience
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Once again, Whitsunday Sailing Club’s annual Easter Regatta, Sail Airlie, iscoming up.  This is the second largest sailing event on the club’s calendar each year, attracting boats and competitors from Brisbane to Cairns.
To make this regatta successful, your club needs your help, be it on the water, safety boat driver, safety boat assistant, race management team, on shore, beach master, barbecue helper, data input, or any other role as required.
The regatta runs from Saturday 16 to Monday 18 April, so any time that you may have available would be appreciated.
Sail Airlie Volunteer Registration
Fields marked with an * are required

Please let us know how you can assist with Sail Airlie 2022, the second largest sailing event on the Whitsunday Sailing Club calendar.  

I am able to assist on the following day(s) *
I am interested in assisting with: *